Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Deadlines can cause lots of stress or in my case, actually get me to write! There's nothing like the countdown to get my fingers flying across the keys. It's always been that way. I'm a procrastinator, but I always get the job done. Something about waiting until the last minute, gives me the drive to go!

How about you? Do you enjoy deadlines?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Just Write!

"Take out another notebook, pick up another pen, and just write, just write, just write. In the middle of the world, make one positive step. In the center of chaos, make one definitive act. Just write. Say yes, stay alive, be awake. Just write. Just write. Just write."
--Natalie Goldberg

Someday's it's hard to know what to write...But as the quote above says, "Just write!"
It's so easy for me to talk about writing because I am passionate about it. When I'm passionate about something I love to talk about it and I don't shut up easily. 
But when it comes to being passionate about writing, you can't just talk you actually need to sit down and write. So, get out a piece of paper, open your laptop and JUST WRITE!

This is November--National November Writing Month--NaNoWrMo...I'm in for the challenge of writing 50,000 words this month, and I'm not just going to talk about it, I'm actually going to WRITE! How about you?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Book Talk

“I am a product [...of] endless books. My father bought all the books he read and never got rid of any of them. There were books in the study, books in the drawing room, books in the cloakroom, books (two deep) in the great bookcase on the landing, books in a bedroom, books piled as high as my shoulder in the cistern attic, books of all kinds reflecting every transient stage of my parents' interest, books readable and unreadable, books suitable for a child and books most emphatically not. Nothing was forbidden me. In the seemingly endless rainy afternoons I took volume after volume from the shelves. I had always the same certainty of finding a book that was new to me as a man who walks into a field has of finding a new blade of grass.” --CS LEWIS 

My dad got me hooked to books--reading to me most nights. I learned to read early--before I entered Kindergarten--and haven't stopped. I have read thousands of books. Some good, bad, ugly...some GREAT and life-changing. 

*I pray at the core of my books is the Bible--and that who I am today is ruled by that book.

In fiction:
  • I love anything by Jane Austen--the quirky people and dialogue and actions have really influenced my fiction writing. I love snappy, quick, dialogue. Zinger!
  •  Terry Brooks and the Shannara series (which is one of the first books I remember my dad reading to me), Chronicles of Narnia, and Lord of the Rings have influenced my love of fantasy.

So, which book or books are you a product of?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Apathy: Part 2

I'm laughing as I write this. I had intended to write part 2 the next day after writing part 1. I was determined to overcome Mr. Apathy with Ms. Motivation and Inspiration, but Mr. Apathy got a hold of me and wouldn't let go. But, I'm happy to report, as of today, Mr. Apathy has been conquered! Praying he stays hidden and I can write!

Being apathetic is a phase all writers go through. What do you do when Mr. Apathy tries to take over?
Do you have anything in place that you do to keep him away--prevention mechanisms?

Here's to a day of writing!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Inspiration and Motivation

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." -Jack London

What inspires you, motivates you to write?
I've been having trouble finding motivation to write. I have my story all plotted out and I know where it's supposed to go--that of course can change along the way, that's the fun of creating. I find I just can't get off the couch and away from the books I am reading long enough to write.
Winter is upon me...
This time of year always creeps up on me and takes so much out of me.
Thankfully, I am headed to a camp this weekend. I find I write better when I am near a body of water. I know it will be chilly, but let the juices flow!

What do you do to get your motivation up and running?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Day with my Character

Yesterday, I spent the whole day with my character. We got up and exercised at 6AM, had coffee, went grocery shopping, had breakfast, talked books, went to the library, talked family, likes, dislikes, fears...
Yes, I actually did, really, spend time with a living breathing character from my new series.

It's hard to make all your characters sound different, especially when you are writing from first person POV.
I write YA, so I made up a list of character questions (likes, dislikes, favorites, what you you do situations...) and sent them to a handful of teenagers to fill out. They did. What a wealth of characters I now have in my arsenal!

So...for the series I'm working on now, I picked one of the girls that had filled out a survey. With her permission of course, I am using her as the model for my character--looks and all the answers from the survey.

It's been so much fun because I can call her up and go out with her, take notes, and actually get inside the head of my character. Of course my character on the page and my model are not exactly alike, but it is fun to listen to her talk and get ideas of what my character would say in that situation. It also comes in handy when I hit a wall. I call her and ask, "hey what would you do or say if..." I love the answers!

WWW: What is your main characters favorite food? Dessert? (Go ask her/him! :) )

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Goals and Dreams

What is the difference between a goal and a dream? I admit I had to ask dictionary.com because to me they are one and the same...

1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
1. An aspiration; goal; aim. A trip to Europe is his dream.
2. A wild or vain fancy.

Someone once said that if you achieve your dreams, then you aimed too low. Well, my dreams are pretty out there (some of them I hope I achieve but then that might make them a goal…)

  1. To make the New York Times Bestseller list
  2. To play Elizabeth Bennett on stage (perhaps Chris Pine as Darcy… J
  3. To go to Greece and Ireland (stay for a month...)
  4. To become a Ninja
  5. To sing with The Band Perry or Dierks Bentley
  6. Be the a singer in a band
  7. To be a pro volleyball player
What are some dreams you have? Don't be afraid to dream BIG! :)

What are some goals you have?

What are your writing goals for today?
What are your writing goals for the week?
What are your writing goals for the month?
What are your writing goals for the year?

Give some serious thought to these and then get writing!

WWW:  a quote for today--and my goal for the day: "Write freely and as rapidly as possible and throw the whole thing on paper. Never correct or rewrite until the whole thing is down." --John Steinbeck

Monday, August 27, 2012

3 X 5

Now I'm not talking trucks or boards here. I'm talking note cards...the little 3x5 cards that have lines on one side and are blank on the other. :)

This is one method I use when working a plot--just to keep everything organized. I take a stack of note cards, usually color coordinated--one color for each character. On the blank side I write the characters name and on the other side I write the happenings of a scene--can also add actions or facts given in the scene. You can add more detail later on, this is just a way to get the gist of the scenes you want to include.

Example: Janelle (can also add a brief description of what they are wearing in the scene)
volleyball practice--intro to the main guy
Facts given: she can play--she likes him...

Then, when I have all the scenes on note cards, I can either hang them on a clothesline or pin them to a large sheet...this way you can rearrange the order of your scenes--or combine some of the scenes if they work better as one.

Just a great visual that helps me see the whole map of my story!

WWW: What is your favorite quote when it comes to writing?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Blaming Jo!

I was asking myself today--for the hundredth time--"Self, why can't you be a morning person/writer?"
Self replied: "Blame it on Jo March!"

Ah...I get it.

In my early writing years, I loved watching the movie Little Women (still enjoy watching it!). And in the movie, Jo March wrote at night by candlelight. I always thought this was so cool...so began my nightly writing habit. I would wait all day for the sun to go down (still do) so I could be alone with my pen and paper. The later the better! There were even a bunch of times that I did get out my oil lamp and write with nothing but that flickering.
But now that I have children, I can't really stay up writing by candlelight and expect to get up at 6AM to make breakfast...Guess I need to find a new movie/book where the writer gets up early and writes!

So...does anyone else have a literary character to blame for their writing habits? :)
(Anne Shirley also has an effect on my writing and reading...but that's for another day.)

WWW: Writers WRITE!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Website...Twitter....Facebook...OH MY!

Wow...feeling a little overwhelmed today.
I'm reading the book Platform, by Michael Hyatt. It talks all about the whats, the hows, and the ins and outs of getting your name out there as a writer. Of branding yourself (ouch! hot!) as a writer, and building your platform.
There are so many ways made available to us today to become visible in the "small" writing world. Website. Twitter. Facebook. Blog...not to mention checking yahoo and gmail accounts...Where does one person find the time to take care of and maintain all of these? It's a lot of work and can take up most of your day...but it is worth it. I'm finding that if I spend 30 minutes to an hour every morning taking care of business, I can then move on to writing!

Some thoughts I've been working on: What makes me different from everyone else? What will catch the eye of readers and keep them coming back for more? (Any thoughts :) )

So, this is me asking you...please help me build my platform and like my author page on Facebook!
Janelle Leonard, Author.
Thanks a million!

WWW: Picking brains: what would you use to decorate a website of a YA author? :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Just Great Anecdotes

A friend of mine says: "Nothing bad ever happens to writers, just great anecdotes."

This is so true. Everything, every what if...can be used one way or another by writers.

So...what is happening in your life today/week/month that you can write about? Use it in fiction or non fiction to bring laughter, growth, encouragement, help, healing...tell your story!

WWW: just a question today... What is your main characters favorite place to shop? :)

Monday, August 13, 2012


So, I was told there are 2 types of writers. Plotters and Pantsters.
Plotters: they plot out their story--have an outline--know where it's going and how it's going to end--they plot and then they WRITE.
Pantsters: they write by the seat of their pants--have no clue where it's going and what will happen! They just WRITE.
I want to add one more...Stallers...
I used to think I was a Plotter...well, I still am. I love plotting out my stories. But I do have some Pantster moments.
But lately I'm becoming a Staller where writing is concerned. I love researching, looking up outfits for my characters, finding pictures of my characters, talking about my characters to those around me, having notecards and charts and writing up what's going to happen in every chapter....STALLING.....
This info all comes in handy, but the Staller doesn't WRITE... (Oh, and here I am, blogging about stalling...I think this should go on the list!)

So, what are you when it comes to your writing?

WWW: quote today: "My stories wrap around me like a cozy quilt, and sometimes I long to pull that quilt over my head and pin the blanket shut, allowing me to immerse myself in the world vivid in my mind." -from the book Just Jane by Nancy Moser

Friday, August 3, 2012


I enjoy making a playlist for each of my books...Yeah, I'm a little weird...but aren't all writers and creators? :) I write YA, so teen music gets me in the mood to think and write like a YA. I have a theme song for most of my books. And whenever I play that song, my mind gets in the mood for that story--characters, plot, setting. It’s a great way to transition from the mundane chores of life to writer!

What’s on your playlist?

WWW—Your main character is the hardest to write. Why? Well, you know the most about them and they are the most like you. Digging deep to find out what makes your character tick, can uncover some pretty uncomfortable things about who you are and what is hidden deep in your heart.

Monday, July 30, 2012


WWW = Wisdom While Writing.
I've decided to add a little tidbit with each post...A tip, a quote, advice....something I learned that day in regards to the writing/publishing process.

Today I'll leave you with a quote by James Michener
"I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter."

This is where most writing takes place...in the rewriting. So, the best advice I can give you is just write! Get it all out on the page. The skeleton...the meat and fat can come later after your story is out of your head and on the page.

Enjoy writing today! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Writers Conference

I have the privilege of being at a writer’s conference this week!
It is a great way to relax, refresh, and renew my love of writing--helps get the creative juices flowing. It's a place where I am surrounded by people that are like me. People that think in “What ifs” and love chatting about characters, plots, settings, dialogue. It's great!
I highly recommend attending a WC if you are any type of writer.
It's also a place to meet editors and agents and publishers. The writing world is small, so it helps to know a few of them!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Journaling Characters

Have you ever write in a journal as one of your characters? It's a good exercise if your brain is stalling………
Journal about a day in their life...what did they do? Whom did they talk to? Where did they go? What are their observations about people, places, things that crossed their path that day? What did they eat? How did they react when such and such happened? Etc...
You may never use this in your novel, but it is a great way to get deeper into the head of your character. To find what makes them tick. To find how they can change in the course of the novel.
It's fun...give it a try! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012


The critique...AWFUL word, but one that is essential to the writing life. Nobody likes to be critiqued, or told that they just don't have a clue about something that they are passionate about.
But there are 2 choices when being critiqued (2 choice for most things in life):
1. Throw your computer out the window. Give up. Bash the person that critiqued you. Ignore everything they said, even though you asked for their "honest" opinion.
2. Grow, learn, and improve! Read through the comments, weed out the ones that are out in left field and find the truth of what they are saying. Read more books on writing--hone your craft. If even one person makes a comment, they did it for a reason...dig a little and see if you can improve your writing. But remember too, everyone likes different styles of writing and their critiques might just come from their personal preferences.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Extreme Patience

I am on a journey...the writing life journey. A journey that is teaching me extreme patience.
Join with me to see where God takes us!