Monday, August 13, 2012


So, I was told there are 2 types of writers. Plotters and Pantsters.
Plotters: they plot out their story--have an outline--know where it's going and how it's going to end--they plot and then they WRITE.
Pantsters: they write by the seat of their pants--have no clue where it's going and what will happen! They just WRITE.
I want to add one more...Stallers...
I used to think I was a Plotter...well, I still am. I love plotting out my stories. But I do have some Pantster moments.
But lately I'm becoming a Staller where writing is concerned. I love researching, looking up outfits for my characters, finding pictures of my characters, talking about my characters to those around me, having notecards and charts and writing up what's going to happen in every chapter....STALLING.....
This info all comes in handy, but the Staller doesn't WRITE... (Oh, and here I am, blogging about stalling...I think this should go on the list!)

So, what are you when it comes to your writing?

WWW: quote today: "My stories wrap around me like a cozy quilt, and sometimes I long to pull that quilt over my head and pin the blanket shut, allowing me to immerse myself in the world vivid in my mind." -from the book Just Jane by Nancy Moser


  1. I'm a major stalled & stuck right now. I want to bang my head against a wall!

    1. Try setting aside what you're working on now and writing a short story (something you can finish quickly)...or write a parody of what you're working on now--it's fun :) ...I know it sounds like stalling, but sometimes it does help to get the creative juice up and running again. :) Good luck and keep on writing!
