Monday, July 30, 2012


WWW = Wisdom While Writing.
I've decided to add a little tidbit with each post...A tip, a quote, advice....something I learned that day in regards to the writing/publishing process.

Today I'll leave you with a quote by James Michener
"I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter."

This is where most writing takes the rewriting. So, the best advice I can give you is just write! Get it all out on the page. The skeleton...the meat and fat can come later after your story is out of your head and on the page.

Enjoy writing today! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Writers Conference

I have the privilege of being at a writer’s conference this week!
It is a great way to relax, refresh, and renew my love of writing--helps get the creative juices flowing. It's a place where I am surrounded by people that are like me. People that think in “What ifs” and love chatting about characters, plots, settings, dialogue. It's great!
I highly recommend attending a WC if you are any type of writer.
It's also a place to meet editors and agents and publishers. The writing world is small, so it helps to know a few of them!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Journaling Characters

Have you ever write in a journal as one of your characters? It's a good exercise if your brain is stalling………
Journal about a day in their life...what did they do? Whom did they talk to? Where did they go? What are their observations about people, places, things that crossed their path that day? What did they eat? How did they react when such and such happened? Etc...
You may never use this in your novel, but it is a great way to get deeper into the head of your character. To find what makes them tick. To find how they can change in the course of the novel.
It's fun...give it a try! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012


The critique...AWFUL word, but one that is essential to the writing life. Nobody likes to be critiqued, or told that they just don't have a clue about something that they are passionate about.
But there are 2 choices when being critiqued (2 choice for most things in life):
1. Throw your computer out the window. Give up. Bash the person that critiqued you. Ignore everything they said, even though you asked for their "honest" opinion.
2. Grow, learn, and improve! Read through the comments, weed out the ones that are out in left field and find the truth of what they are saying. Read more books on writing--hone your craft. If even one person makes a comment, they did it for a reason...dig a little and see if you can improve your writing. But remember too, everyone likes different styles of writing and their critiques might just come from their personal preferences.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Extreme Patience

I am on a journey...the writing life journey. A journey that is teaching me extreme patience.
Join with me to see where God takes us!